Mountain Bike Pedals
More than Clipless. Try Other Types

Not Sure about Clipless Mountain Bike Pedals?
Try Different Types

Platform Pedals
Classics with Modern Approach

Take out your clipless shoes. This is a basic system. You may find such pedals installed on almost every basic mountain bike.

However, this doesn’t mean platform pedals won’t do their job.

With wide variety of attaching surfaces, new technologies and appropriate shoes (non-clipless), platform may provide you sufficient grip.

Platform pedals are very universal. You may use them for your commuting bike as well as with your downhill machine. As to DH, you may like the thought you won’t be “stuck” on your bike in case of crash.

For sure, you also won’t be stuck with clipless, however… human mind remembers “Clipless Fear”.

Middle Way
Hybrid Platform/Clipless Pedals

As the name suggests, you get hybrid system pedals. Something in-between platform and clipless.

Large pedal surface combined with a clipless system makes your ride more versatile.

Hybrid lets you ride on various surfaces and…

not to wear special clipless shoes (if you don’t want to use clipless system on that particular ride).

This is especially comfortable if you use your mountain bike for commuting and only enjoy country rides on weekends.

Another Middle Way
Toe Clips with Straps

Attach this cage-construction to your platform pedals. Put your toe in it. Here you go – with toe clips. You might consider toe clips as a simple and cheaper option compared with clipless system.

You don’t need any special footwear for toe clips. And it is easy to learn to use this system.

You get Pull-up benefit as well. As you remember, Pull-up benefit means you may not only push down your pedals but also pull them up for more pedal power.

And what about straps? Yes, they need to be installed together with your toe clips.

As you see from the picture, it is really simple. And with adjusted straps around your feet you will have solid and stable connection with your bike.

And when you stop, or in emergency case…

Simply pull your feet straight back and you are free to go (well, free to fall sometimes…).

Looking for Clipless pedal system?

Clipless mountain bicycle pedals may be a wise decision in some cases. Follow this link to learn more…

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